Monday, 1 February 2010

First Indian TAG meeting on standardisation

The first Indian Technical Advisory Group (TAG) meeting to discuss print standardisation with a view to participation in international ISO standardisation efforts was held on the morning of 22 January at the Heidelberg stand at Pragati Maidan in the course of the Pamex exhibition. The 75 minute meeting was attended by a diverse group of print professionals and experts. It included two of the Indians who are UGRA certified for process standardisation 12647-2, and others who have been working in this area. The Amar Ujala newspaper group was also represented.

The discussion centred on the need to evolve standards and best practices locally and to participate in the International Standards Organisation’s technical committees such as the TC-130 responsible for graphic technologies. It was suggested and agreed by those present that standardisation efforts must go forward on several levels and on a widespread basis, even to the extent of developing a set of standard best practices for the majority of printers who are unable to follow or invest in the ISO 12647 standard at this time. It was also discussed and agreed that there is a need to participate in the currently evolving 12647 standards discussion by attending the TC-130 meetings that are held around the world.

Minutes of the meeting:
1. The different international committees and their role in development of printing related standards were discussed in the meeting.

2. It was agreed that more effort must be made to formally involve the Bureau of Indian Standards in these discussions and meetings which should be held at least once or twice a year in various cities around India. The BIS must also be encouraged to take part in the international discussion via Indian TAG involvement in TC-130.

3. It was agreed to make an effort to formally involve the AIFMP and other printing associations to discuss and support the standardisation activities. Suppliers of consumables and equipment must also be involved and invited to these meetings.

4. It was agreed that there should be some data gathering as to standardisation activities and compliance in the Indian print industries. Ground work should be done to invite representation and support from consumables suppliers and manufacturers.

5. A suggestion was made to create a set of basic best practices and standards with particular attention to local substrates and conditions.

6. The discussion concluded that representation is required for the next spring meeting of TC 130 meeting as observers which will be held in St. Gallen, Switzerland, from 20 – 24 April. It was agreed to encourage the widest attendance from the Indian print community and those present with a view to sharing the discussion of issues and developing a local attitude and consensus. To this end, it was suggested to formally establish an Indian TAG, define its scope, and to send out an invitation to a broad section of the industry.

7. Heidelberg PMA in Chennai volunteered to host the next meeting. However it was also suggested that it was important to hold the next meeting in Mumbai if possible.

8. The list of attendees included Dr. Rajendrakumar Anayath, Heidelberg PMA; Kiran Priyagi, GATE; Naresh Khanna and Parshav Jain of IppStar; Tarun Chopra and Satish Nayak of Colour Mechanics; R Venkat; Atul Goyal, Amit Arora, Amar Ujala.